Alongside co-organisers Maritime London, UK Shipping Concierge (UKSC) will host a forum event at Hong Kong Maritime Week exploring managing intervention in global shipping.
In partnership with the British Consulate General Hong Kong and Hong Kong Maritime Port Board, the Maritime and Coastguard Agency’s UK Shipping Concierge will be supporting Hong Kong Maritime Week with an event focused on managing interventions in global shipping.
Taking place from 2.30-7.30pm on Tuesday 19 November, the UKSC’s Hong Kong-UK Shipping Forum has been co-organised with Maritime London, with seminars on counterparty compliance and the role of mature maritime jurisdictions for shipping clusters.
Mable Chan JP, Permanent Secretary for Transport and Logistics at the Transport and Logistics Bureau for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Chris Woodward, Director General for Trade and Investment, British Consulate General Hong Kong will be welcoming visitors to the free-to-attend event via registering your interest.
The event’s panel speakers include:
• Alexander Brandt, Partner, Transportation, Reed Smith
• William Fairclough, Managing Director, Wah Kwong Maritime Services (UK) Company Ltd
• Lars Lippuner, Director of UK Customer Maritime Services, Maritime and Coastguard Agency
• Vineet Puri, Director, Head of Shipping, Asia North and Asia South, Corporate Banking, Citi
• Sandra Rosignoli, Group General Counsel and Head of Compliance, Clarksons
• Mike Salthouse, Head of External Affairs, NorthStandard
• Jos Standerwick, Chief Executive, Maritime London
• Benjamin Wong, Head of Transport and Logistics, InvestHK
Hong Kong Maritime Week runs from 17-23 November, and through collaboration with support organisations aims to promote and endorse Hong Kong as a maritime centre of international renown.
Through its theme, “Navigating to a Greener Future”, this year’s event showcases Hong Kong’s strong maritime role and economic importance as an industrial centre and community.
Head of UK Shipping Concierge Graham Candy said: “We’re incredibly pleased to host this collaborative event at Hong Kong Maritime Week. We’ve assembled a strong panel of shipping experts, who’ll be joining us to explore areas of compliance and regulation, shipping, and emerging market trends within the maritime sector.
"Hong Kong Maritime Week celebrates its eighth year in 2024 and it’s a crucial date in the international maritime calendar; hosting a range of discussions and sessions on topics that are at the forefront of the international shipping agenda.”